Wiegmann Associates has started work on the new Francis Howell North high school in the Francis Howell School district in St. Charles, Missouri. Wiegmann will be the HVAC mechanical contractor. S. M. Wilson & Co. are the Construction Managers at Risk. Hoener Associates is an architect. Construction of the new facility, measuring 410,000 square feet, is expected to be completed in the Fall 2024.
Wiegmann will install HVAC systems to service the entire high school, which includes 100 classrooms, science, business and computer labs, two administration suites, library, commons and cafeteria areas. The project will also include a multi-use gym and a fieldhouse with multiple locker rooms, an offices suite, and a weight training area. Construction will be done in phases to allow for the replacement and continuation of school operations.
Due to supply chain volatility and rising materials costs, the pricing was significantly higher than the original project budget. This was estimated in 2018. Wiegmann worked with the design team to develop a cost-effective heating/air conditioning solution that would not affect performance but still reduce the project budget.
Variable-air volume systems that use a central plant to supply chilled water to rooftop air handlers as well as hot water to reheat terminals will be used to meet the heating and cooling requirements of different zones in the building. This allows for energy conservation and lower operating expenses.
Wiegmann professionals use building information modeling (BIM), to help with constructability reviews and plan interplay and layout for all building systems. BIM can reduce construction time, streamline communication, minimize field errors, and reduce rework.
The Prop S $244 million, no-tax rate-increase bond that funds critical infrastructure projects in the district includes funding for the project. In June 2020, voters approved Prop S, the largest bond ever issued in Missouri history. Nearly 18,000 students attend Francis Howell School District, St. Charles County, Missouri.